
Our group runs with the dedication and enthusiasm of our brilliant team of volunteers

Without our volunteers we are unable to offer any of the activities and events that make a BB company exist. Volunteering can be a lot of fun and often open opportunities that you may not have come across otherwise. Many volunteers have found that working within Boys’ Brigade has provided them with growth within their careers and jobs as well as in other areas of Boys’ Brigade nationally and internationally.

Our volunteer roles can take a number of different shapes and they don’t have to involve committing to attending every week or having any previous experience of Boys’ Brigade.

We would love to be able to grow our team, which in turn can help expand our programme and offering to the boys in our group. If this is something that interests you then read on.

Can I Help?

If you have a positive attitude about children and young people and want to see them learn, grow and discover then the answer is yes.

You can read more about volunteering in The Boys’ Brigade and what is involved and available here.

The Boys’ Brigade provide a comprehensive training programme which we can support you in completing as you begin your volunteer journey.

Do I need to be a Christian

No, all we ask is you empathise with the Christian ethos of The Boys’ Brigade, along with the Vision, Mission and Values. All our volunteers are appointed by Waterlooville Baptist Church. Before you are appointed you may be asked to chat with the Church leaders.

How can I get Involved?

If you like the sound of the above details and would like to offer to help us then get in contact with us. Our company Captain will arrange to have a conversation with you.